Detroit Instiute of Gasrtronomy offers courses to the public in food safety, sanitation and skill development. These courses are hosted on the Detroit Institute of Gastronomy (DIG) platform and open to all.
Advance your culinary industry knowledge with the faculty teaching at the Detroit Institute of Gastronomy utilizing the DIG Leanring Portal. These on line courses will help enhance your knowledge in food safety, customer service and culinary skills.
Soil2Serivce has partnered with the Customer Service Institute of America to provide the certification course in maximizing the Customer Experience. This course leads to a Certification as a Certified Customer Experience Professional! This 8 Module, 6.5 hour interactive online course will provide you with a downloadable Study Guide, a Personal Action Plan, and Online Quizzes and Tests leading to certification. These tools will assist you in your learning and understanding of the material.
Perfect for those seeking to start a HACCP system in their operation or gain a deeper understanding of the principles of HACCP for FDA-FSMS training. Accepted by the World Association of Chefs Society (WACS) for 8-hours of food safety training for Global Certification and the American Culinary Federation as an 8-hour refresher course in advanced sanitation for certification.
Perfect for those seeking introductory food safety knowledge as well as enhancing on existing food safety knowledge. Accepted by the World Association of Chefs Society (WACS) for 9-hours of food safety training for Global Certification and the American Culinary Federation as a 9-hour refresher course in advanced sanitation for certification.
This course series will teach students how to reduce the amount of food thrown away while maximizing flavors through creative uses. Part 1 of the series is packed full of videos to introduce the student to the tools and tricks of eliminating food waste in the home.
The digital classroom is a challenging environment to teach in. This course is designed to help the teacher or trainer new to the profession of the tenured professor looking to a refresh their educational techniques. Topics covered include: identifying unique attributes of the adult learner, successful teaching methods for the adult learner and creating effective feedback surveys. This course will provide you with new ideas to use in the delivery of digital education as well as increase connectivity with adult students in this digital era.
As a Registered Apprenticeship Program, the Detroit Institute of Gastronomy and Soil2Serivce fosters a workplace environment where all apprentices feel safe, welcomed, and treated fairly. Providing required anti-harassment training to apprentices and those who work with them can contribute to the establishment of such an environment.